The Centre serves a number of communities of stakeholders in the management consulting sector. They include the following:
Practising consultants
This web site provides links to research and other thinking, giving time-poor consultants ready access to useful information and research of value to them. It also provides a platform for experienced consultants to share the fruits of their experience.
The Centre’s events, as well as being informative, allow opportunities for networking with fellow professionals, encouraging learning from one another.

The Centre’s events and web site provide the opportunity for academics to showcase their research and to cite other relevant research. They are intended to promote communication and cooperation between academics and practitioners.

Consulting firms
The Centre is a useful resource for consulting firms to keep abreast of the latest thinking relevant to their work.
We hope that active engagement with the Centre will also prove a valuable feature in attracting and retaining recruits.

Clients of management consultants
Excellent projects involving consultants require excellent clients too. The Centre supports client learning, enabling them to get the best from projects which are in effect joint ventures with consultants.

Business schools
Management consultancy is a subject for teaching and research at many business schools. The Centre encourages and supports their work in this area.
Courses on management consultancy offered by business schools are listed here. Please let us know if you would like to add to the list or correct existing entries.

As well as proving information and links to other relevant sources, the Centre encourages students to participate in its events. It also engages students in carrying out its various projects.