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CMCE Research Awards 2022 - winners and links

Submitted by nick.b on
The CMCE Research Awards Trophy

The 2022 CMCE Research Awards provided an opportunity to celebrate some excellent research into management consultancy. The panel of judges felt that the award winners all shed light on areas of the profession in need of more examination and had all written papers with a direct practical application. Below are the winners and links to their works or follow-on reading that they suggested during the course of the event.

The changing environment for the consultant


The tensions of defining and developing thought leadership within knowledge-intensive firms. William Harvey, Vince-Wayne Mitchell, Alessandra Almeida Jones, Eric Knight

A short summary of the paper is here and full access is here.

Client-consultant Relationships


Professional Fluidity: Reconceptualising the Professional Status of Self-Employed Neo-professionals. David Cross, Juani Swart

The  paper can be found here.

Technology and consulting


What are the implications of virtualisation for building trust during the management consultancy lifecycle? Luca Collina

The original paper is in the June 2021 edition of the Management Consulting Journal.

The further reading recommended by Luca Collina is here.

Urwick Prize


The Governance of Management Consultancy Use: Practices, Problems, and Possibilities
Andrew Sturdy.

The paper can be found here.

Further reading – a policy paper on the regulation of management consultancy – can be downloaded here.